TEEN TOP (틴탑) is a South Korean pop group that consists of six members: C.A.P, ChunJi, L.Joe, Niel, Ricky, ChangJo. They are under the label T.O.P. Media and were founded in 2010 by Andy of Shinhwa. They released their album, Come Into the World, on July 9, 2010 and started their debut on July 10, 2010 in Music Core.Grup bernama Teen Top ini terdiri dari 6 member dan mereka terpilih dari berbagai  audisi. Mereka juga udah unjuk kebolehan di salah satu program MTV, berjudul Vice Guide to Everything. Bahkan katanya, produser MTV sendiri, Jessie Juke tertarik ama Teen Top, bahkan dia akan mengunjungi Korea untuk menyuting kegiatan grup ini semenjak debut. Vice Guide to Everything akan memulai promonya di USA musim panas ini dan akan ditayangkan Agustus mendatang di MTV.


Stage name: C.A.P
Real name: Bang Min Soo “Charisma Rapper”
Position: Leader, Main Rapper
Birthday: November 4, 1992
Height: 178 cm
Hobbies: Design, drawing and exercise
Speciality: Writing lyrics and rapping
Education: Seongname Information Industry High School, 3rd Grade
Leader of the group


Stage name: Chunji
Real Name: Lee Chan Hee “Power Voice”
Position: Lead Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: October 5, 1993
Height: 173 cm
Hobbies: Puzzles, reading
Speciality: Imitations
Education: Seongji Middle School, 2nd grade


Stage name: L. JOE
Real Name: Lee Byung Hun “Mischievous Rapper/ Bad Boy Rapper” 
Position: Lead Rapper, Face of The Group
Birthday: November 23, 1993
Height: 171 cm
Hobbies: Acting
Speciality: Piano, violin, music composition, English
Education: Korea Arts High School, 1st grade


Stage name: Niel
Real Name: Ahn Daniel “Emotional Vocal” 
Position: Main Vocalist 
Birthday: August 16,1994
Height: 178 cm
Hobbies: Music appreciation
Speciality: Football
Education: Heungjin High School, 1st grade


Stage name: Ricky
Real Name: Yoo Chang Hyun “Lovely Boy”
Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer 
Birthday: February 27, 1995
Height: 172cm
Hobbies: Movies Appreciation, piano
Speciality: Acting
Education: Namgang Middle School, 3rd grade


Stage name: Changjo
Real Name: Choi Jong Hyun “Dancing Boy”
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist, Maknae 
Birthday: November 16, 1995
Height: 179cm
Hobbies: Choreography composition, music appreciation
Speciality: Self-defence
Education: ChunCheon Middle School, 3rd grade